I have a deep seated fear of falling so cliffs etc are a no-no for me.............

These cliffs at Hartland are beautiful to look at - but they are very scary to me.............

You see they are really beautiful but there is no way you'd ever get me up the top. I'd have to be at least 20 ft away from the edge without being so scared. I'd love to go up there and see the view, but even if I was in a car, I'd still be scared in case the car rolled forward!!! Daft eh?

Then surprisingly enough - even though I live near the sea and have taken so many photos of it, I have a very healthy respect for it. My one fear is drowning - no my deepest fear is being in a submarine which has broken down at the bottom of the ocean and water is coming in - or being stuck in caves with water rising!! Although when you come to think of it - when the hell would I put myself in those situations???????????

I have another fear - insects who have more than their fair share of legs!!!!! I reckon any number more than 4 legs is just plain greedy and then to add wings as well - well.............................
So even though I've taken photos of weird creatures - by looking at them through a lens tends to disassociate me from them - if you get what I mean.