Articles by Gracie

  • Alright my friends across the Pond

    - 20 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    Ok that's enough rain now! My daughter will be there tomorrow around 9am your time. She's in on a much needed vacation. So please put in the order for the rain to cease and the sun to shine! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you very much! Sincerely, The Mommy! (Or the pest as she sometimes calls me)

  • Phot Phun-Insect

    - 20 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    I don't do bugs! I am a total girl in this regard.. They creep me out and make me get all shivery! So I took the liberty of finding a cartoon spider.. Which I know is technically not an insect.. But it's as close as I was going to get!

  • Phot Phun- A Portrait..

    - 19 Nov 2012 - 6 comments
    My Daughter Amanda.. You may have guessed I'm a tad crazy about her.. She's really a good daughter..

  • A quick stop.. You know all I said I have to do?

    - 18 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    Well the Feckin washing machine decided to die today! Naturally while I had most of my house curtains in! Managed to get them rinsed so its ok. Ran to sears and picked up a Whirlpool.. Sale price wasn't so much of a sale once you add everything in necessary! Sigh.. Always happens right before Christmas it seems... And my last one did the same! And it's a GE and only 4 years old! Now I'm having tea to gather my wits and get back to hanging the curtains and dusting the house... Dinner may be a p…

  • Preparing for Thanksgiving....

    - 17 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    Just a note that I've been a tad busy today and expect the rest of the week to be fairly busy also. It's Thanksgiving this coming Thursday and I have a fair amount to do. From cleaning which I got a good jump on today (as my back will attest to!) to starting the food prep either tomorrow or Monday. I try do anything I can in advance whether it can be frozen or will be good for a day or two in the fridge. There will only be 6 of us.. Although I am a typical Italian and will cook for 12. My d…

  • Phot Phun-In The Warm Glow

    - 14 Nov 2012 - 4 comments
    This is a Sunset in Arizona.. My daughter was there for business last year and took this shot off of her balcony...

  • My Girl is definitely coming across the Pond in 10 days...

    - 11 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    She and a friend are going to be coming to England from early morning of the 21st till the 25th.. A quick visit but she gets to see another country.. She loves to travel.. It is during our Thanksgiving and it will be first the holiday of any kind we haven't been together. I told her to go and enjoy as there will be other holidays but not opportunities like this. She and her friend will be staying with a young man from London that she works with. They've all met before when my daughter and her…

  • Good Morning to all!

    - 11 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    Ha! Gotcha first today! Since my friends over there across the Pond should still be in bed as it's about 5am or so... I just thought I'd get in with the first Good Morning of the Day to you! Me, Its just after midnight and I'm Wide awake! Not even a little tired.. Happens all the time. So I'll be up for a couple more hours.. Get to sleep finally most likely around 2am or so and wake by no later than 9am... That's if it's really quiet and I don't get antsy.. Sometimes the eyes pop open after abou…

  • Does anyone curtsy or bow anymore?

    - 10 Nov 2012 - 5 comments
    My husband and I were sitting out on the porch a while ago having a conversation. Carol had posted a statement/joke on facebook that the Queen revoked our Independence because we obviously don't know how to govern ourselves properly . She posted this the day after our Presidential election.. So then we were discussing the time Michelle Obama met the Queen and broke protocol by hugging her.. Now I know the news stated the Queen was fine with that, but I wonder if it's true? Isn't that a big No No…

  • Well the last 2 weeks have been something else haven't they?

    - 10 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    But today is fine.. My baby girl is 29 years old today.. A bit more than a little hung over as she went out with friends from work yesterday.. Martini's... I couldn't even sip one without being bug eyed drunk and she had 2 and a few beers.. And not much to eat all day.. She got here this morning all bleary eyed.. Hungry so mom went out to get her a nice bagel to help the tummy settle.. She was concerned because in the barf stage of her drunk everything came up red. She forgot she'd had Red velve…

  • Spoke to Max briefly

    - 07 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    Not for very long as I'm at work.. She is fine. The move went ok.. Her cats aren't happy but I guess they need to adjust. Still no internet access and she has no idea when she will have it. She sends her love to all. I will try and call her again in a few days or next week to keep getting updates.

  • I really let my beast out today!

    - 07 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    How is it grown men don't ever learn when to stop? I seriously let it out on them this morning.. They were doing it again. Going all gloom and doom about the weather.. Which granted is a bit nasty but nothing major.. I do have a silly fear of bad weather but I can handle it if you leave me alone. I just can't take being bombarded. I've told them so many times. So I let lose when they started this morning. Told them they needed to grow up. They were like "well you know we do it to bust you". And…

  • The roofers have come!

    - 06 Nov 2012 - 6 comments
    Well at least they showed up around noon time. Took a look at the roof and said they needed some supplies and would be back shortly. I hope they do come right back. Sometimes when a contractor does that, it's the last you see of them! Since we are supposed to have a slushy rain all day and night tomorrow, I'd much rather the roof is done.. Then Rick doesn't have to pull everything out stored under the eaves and try to find the spot to put a bucket.. There is a LOT of stuff stored there! Ha…

  • A little ghost story..

    - 04 Nov 2012 - 5 comments
    I was catching up on some of the stories and just finished Sue's about the ghosts & Orbs etc.. Jenny made the comment how she sometimes smells her moms perfume or catches a shadow out of the corner of her eye. I think most of us who are a little more open and unafraid have had this happen occasionally.. The house I was born in is still in the family.. After my father passed and then my grandmother who lived downstairs, it was sold to other family members. My cousin lives on the second floor…

  • Good Morning

    - 03 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    Sitting here thinking of what is going on around me.. It's been such an incredibly stressful week. And I have no where near any reason to complain mind you.. I just don't deal well with stressful situations. And it seems like at work that's all anyone was speaking about. I could not block them out of my head! One of the guys I work with is the worst of the Gloom and Doomers! Everything is a world ends problem! I told him to knock it off a couple of times. And I refused to deal with them much t…

  • My Power came back last night..

    - 01 Nov 2012 - 3 comments
    So now we are waiting for our roof to be repaired. Supposedly they will be here this week. The other problems we are experiencing is they had lost power to the Gasoline depots. So they can't get gas to the stations.. 80% of the stations are out. The rest have long lines.. I still have 3/4 of a tank but traffic is so bad right now. It took me 75 minutes to make my normally 20 minute commute in today. There are still many people without service and areas are still flooded. Besides gas there has…

  • The company I work for posted this for employees affected by the Hurricane. I think this is a terrific thing to do

    - 31 Oct 2012 - 6 comments
    The ***** family wants to do everything in their power to alleviate the suffering of any of their employees who have sustained substantial financial costs because of Hurricane Sandy. Therefore, any of our employees without regard to longevity of service may apply immediately for an instant cash grant of up to a maximum of $5,000 for actual non-reimbursable (i.e. not reimbursed by insurance) property damage costs sustained to their primary residence or personal property. Upon receipt of ou…

  • Pictures from where I usually vacation at the Jersey shore. Not sure if this will post correctly.

    - 31 Oct 2012 - 5 comments
    <object width="568" height="320"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1" width="568" height="320"></embed></object>

83 articles in total