de - fr - es - port - rus - eo

Translation with Deeple

Good and Evil - Light and Dark
An old problem and a new view

- 1 -

Two yellow blossoms

From the book by Neale Donald Walsch
Conversations with God' Volume 3
Year of publication 8th edition 1998 in the USA
Germany 1999 by Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag Munich
Volume 3 pages 456 - 460


- Neale -

Oh! I'm all out of breath.
you can express things so wonderfully.

- God -

The truth is eloquent.
Truth is of astonishing elegance,
that reawakens the heart.
That is what these 'Conversations with God' have done.
They have touched and reawakened the heart of the human race.
Touched and reawakened the heart of the human race.

Now they lead you to a crucial question.
It is a question
that all humanity must ask itself.
Can you and do you want to create a new cultural history?
Can you and do you want
create a new primordial cultural myth..,
upon which all other myths will be based?

Is the human race
inherently good or inherently evil?

This is the crossroads
at which you have arrived.
The future of the human race depends on..,
depends on which direction you take.

- 2 -

Way into the light - vojo al lumo

If you and your society believe
that you are inherently good,
you will make decisions
and make laws
that are life-affirming and constructive.
If you and your society believe
that you are inherently evil,
you will make decisions
and make laws
that are life-denying and destructive.

Life-affirming laws are laws
that allow you
to be, do and have what you desire.
Life-denying laws are laws
that prevent you from being,
from being, doing and having what you desire.

Those of you who believe in original sin,
that man is evil by nature,
claim that God has made laws
to keep you from doing what you desire...
- and advocate human laws
(in endless numbers) to do the same.

Those of you who believe in the Original Blessing, and in that,
that man is good by nature,
proclaim that God has created laws of nature
which allow you to do what you wish...
- and advocate human laws
to do the same.

- 3 -

Bouquet of roses

What is your view of the human race?
What is your view of yourself?
Do you believe that
if you are left entirely to yourself..,
can be trusted? In everything?
What about others?
In what light do you see them?
What do you fundamentally assume,
as long as they haven't revealed themselves to you
revealed to you in one way or another?

Well, answer that.
Do your basic assumptions
a collapse or a breakthrough
of your society?

- Neale -

I see my self as trustworthy.
I didn't used to see it that way, but I do now.
I became trustworthy because I changed my ideas
of the kind of person I am.
I am now also clear about,
what God wants and what God doesn't want.
I am clear about you.

These conversations with God have played
played a huge role in this change, they made this turnaround possible.
And now I see in society
what I see in myself.
I don't see something that is collapsing,
but something that is coming to a breakthrough.
I see a human culture
that is finally awakening to its divine heritage,
becoming aware of its divine purpose.
and becoming more aware of its divine self
increasingly aware of its divine self...


- 4 -

Gold in the Elbe Valley - Elbvalo en matenlumo
Page 460

You have come into space
to heal space.
For no other reason are you here.
And know this: I love you.
My love is always for you,
and now to both of you,
now and forever.
I am always with you.
On all paths.


Page 459

And here is my message
the message I want to leave to the world.

My children who are in heaven
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom has come
and your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
You will be given your daily bread on that day,
and your debts and your trespasses
will be forgiven in the same measure
as you have forgiven those
who transgress against you.
Lead not yourselves into temptation,
but redeem yourselves from the evils..,
that you have created.
For yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory
for ever and ever.

- 5 -

Beauty in autumn - beleco en aŭtuno
