Articles by mo |

  • beam me up - the story

    - 04 Sep 2007 - 4 comments
    about an year ago i discovered "flickr". very fast i was fascinated by the views offered there : people from all over the world sharing their points of view, their art and opinions. i decided to be a part of it too and started a pro account. i met the most wonderful people there, people with whom i shared their every day life and also special moments. we talked and discussed as much as fooling around. this time means very much to me, a time filled with precious memories. i learned a lot and i ex…

  • special o_O universalist or universal specialist ?

    - 16 Aug 2007 - 15 comments
    looking at my pics i'm wondering if it's not a too huge "mixed pixels" dish i'm serving. then i'm seeing streams of others. not all, but lots are speaking one language of their own and often in a very elaborate and fascinating way. so what's better: finding one language and sticking to it and like that become a master ( but a limitated one ) or sticking ones nose curiously in every pot trying to express yourself in different, maybe new ways ? first way, the specialist universal : is mainly wo…

  • pro ! yooo !!!

    - 22 Jul 2007 - 7 comments
    i-pernity, you-pernity • believe me i made it !, earnestly!! call me mo, see my show - it's better than ever, 'cause now i'm a PRO... i made my decision i'm not a musician i got my eyes and sometimes a vision !!! YO

  • appealing arousal

    - 20 Jul 2007 - 4 comments
    grenouille felt his heart pounding, and he knew it wasn't the strain of running that made it pound, but his aroused helplessness facing the presence of this scent. grenouille spürte, wie sein herz pochte, und er wußte, dass es nicht die anstrengung des laufens war, die es pochen machte, sondern seine erregte hilflosigkeit vor der gegenwart dieses geruches. from the perfume, das parfüm by patrick süskind   did you ever suddenly start smiling or crying listening to a song ? or did…

  • pragmatical household advices during summertime - part I

    - 14 Jul 2007 - 19 comments
    not every fruit is one you love to touch or even eat ! for example is biting on fur or swallowing hair something most people hate. but then what can you do when you want to eat a kiwi ? hot wax treatments are highly recommended. the wax shouldn't be too hot, as you would end up with kiwi jam ! then you shouldn't wax them for too long, as the vitamins would flee for sure. but then who cares about vitamins ? you can also help yourself if you love the taste of peaches, but you can't stand the ha…

  • raindrops blues

    - 12 Jul 2007 - 5 comments
    would love to see some recent weather pics from you ! maybe this collection will make the ones in charge for the weather change their minds !!! what can you do when the weather gods are dating the weather girls instead of doing a good job ? stormy weather, rainy days and grey skies that's what i see outside ... anybody having some spare sunshine ? maybe some of you prefer rain. maybe some don't like when it's getting to warm! what do you think? will summertime return this year ? or do…

  • between worlds

    - 04 Jul 2007 - 1 comment
    Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies, Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers, That grow so incredibly high. Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, Waiting to take me away. Climb in the back with my head in the clouds, And i'm gone. slightly changed version of: "lucy in the sky with diamonds" beatles this is a transit situation, which could become a residence where i feel cozy. like many others, i'm fed up with the p…

97 articles in total