looking at my pics i'm wondering if it's not a too huge "mixed pixels" dish i'm serving. then i'm seeing streams of others. not all, but lots are speaking one language of their own and often in a very elaborate and fascinating way. so what's better: finding one language and sticking to it and like that become a master ( but a limitated one ) or sticking ones nose curiously in every pot trying to express yourself in different, maybe new ways ?

first way, the specialist universal : is mainly working on a limited or concentrated area ( for example only nature or humans photography, still lifes etc ) or his pics have a certain kind of atmosphere ( f.e. either romantic soft or striking colourful etc ). like that the photographer is able to deepen his knowledge and skills.

second way, the universal specialist : he's able to use a bigger variaty in order to express himself ( different topics like portraits, stills, landscape etc ) and / or different atmospheres he's using. on the other hand he normaly can't reach the depth of the specialist .

which way are you following ?

ps: i'm not talking about the genius people amongst us :)

pps: sorry i'm too lazy to translate the whole text into french and german. hope you can understand, if not you can maybe use a translation program • sorry, je suis trop paresseuse pour traduire le text en francais. j'espères que vous comprenez ou peut être utilisez un program de traduire • sorry, bin zu träge den ganzen text ins deutsche zu übersetzen. ich hoffe, ihr versteht ihn oder benutzt ein übersetzungsprogramm