arts enthusiast's favorite articles

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  • Crowdfunding by IMA day 3 - [EN] [FR]

    Point au jour 3 et petite clarification sur le financement participatif.

  • The Whole Dam Family Postcard Craze, 1905

    The Whole Dam Family
    The Whole Dam Family Comic depictions of "The Whole Dam Family" with their humorous--yet somewhat scandalous--names were wildly popular subjects for postcards in 1905. The "Whole Dam Family" postcard craze influenced other media, and the Dams also showed up in silent films , vaudeville sketches, printed advertisements, wax cylinder recordings , 78-rpm records , and sheet music . The Whole Dam Family on Their Vacation The "Whole Dam Family" postcard craze was in fu…

  • A complementary information [EN]

    La version française est disponible ici .

  • Event in Nice : the Team is safe [EN] [FR]

    [EN] As you may know (or not), the whole Team is located in the Alpes-Maritimes department in France. Yesterday, during the celebrations of Bastille Day, an attack happened in Nice, many people were killed or injured. We just wanted to let you know that if our heart aches, the ipernity Team is safe. We also wanted to express our solidarity with the people touched. [FR] Comme vous le savez peut-être, l'ensemble de l'équipe habite les Alpes-Maritimes. Suites aux évènements tragiques qui…

  • One of The Good Guys

    If you were on flickr and made the leap over to ipernity in May 2013 many of us did, one of the streams that surely stood out for you was one operated by MewDeep6. MewDeep6 is the way John chose to be known hereabouts. I am not suited to write any kind of biography of the man. What I do know is that I am very lucky to have known him these past few years. I knew him, I say. How I knew him was through emails and posts on flickr and ipernity. That counts, as any of us here can attest. From…

  • [EN] Import your Flickr sets to ipernity :)

    Moving to ipernity...
    To whom it may concern, we now offer a script to import your Flickr sets to ipernity albums :) Due to technical limitations things are not as smooth as they could be but if you carefully read the following instructions, you should be able to transfer your sets without any problems. To import a set go to the Flickr set page and click on " CLICK HERE TO START Flickr set importer " underneath the banner on the top of the album page. For every photo of the set: if the photo has…

  • Some issues about faving which you might not had seen

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Did you already knowing about faving items that it is possible to fav not just items of others? You could fav your own ones, too! Would be great to find items which you like most in your own stream. Of course your own favs don´t count in any way in any statistics or at What´s hot or somewhere else. They just help you to keep your own favorite docs together. not just single items? You could add a favorite-star to a whole album, too! So it makes no sense to fav trough (nearly) a whole alb…

  • Some useful groups for Flickr newcomers...

    Dear Flickr newcomers, You probably have lots of questions on how to best use ipernity. Since our FAQ is being rewritten, you may find answers in dedicated groups. Here's a first list of useful groups: New Flickr Survivors Emigrants from Flickr Misplaced flickrites Flickr Refugees Feel free to contact us if you want to promote other resources here. Catch you soon :) The ipernity Team

  • [EN] Some news before the week-end

    Have a nice week-end, dear friends!
    Hello all! Here is some news before the week-end. We are experiencing an exceptional situation at the moment with a huge amount of new users who have decided to choose ipernity to share their photos within a quality setting. We are very glad about this! We are doing our utmost to welcome this exceptional influx. Some minor slowdowns and malfunctions are still to be expected but this will soon be forgotten about very soon. To be honest, here is the agenda of our small team (a total of…