Dear Members,

Your many reactions to our last announcement have deeply touched us.

We feared a wave of criticism, but once again we found out how extraordinary you are and the astounding community that has been the heart of ipernity for so many years.

Many of you have expressed their desire to help us find solutions, and naturally asked questions about the reasons behind the closure of the service.

Here are some first & quick answers.

To begin with, as we have already expressed at the beginning of the year, the ipernity staff has been reduced to the bare minimum. This lack of resources prevents us from developing the service and offering it a real future.

To overcome this lack of resources, many of you have suggested to increase the price of the subscription, or to monetize ipernity with advertisement.

Unfortunately, even our most ambitious forecasts have demonstrated that it would not generate enough income to put together a new team.

You can do the math yourself ... there are about three thousand Club members. We should double this number (or double the price of Club subscriptions) to consider hiring just one additional person. And to develop Ipernity appropriately, it would be necessary to reconstitute a team of 4 or 5 developers at least ...
We have not found the solution. It is unlikely that we will find it in the future.

Ipernity has no debt and still has some money in the bank, enough to hold on for a few months. For this reason, we felt we have to communicate on the high probability of a shutdown of the service, unless buyers make themselves known within a short time.

It is also important to note that ipernity is in the EURONEXT stock exchange market. We have thousand of shareholders who represent about 1/3 of the company's capital.

The other two-thirds are owned by the founders, who invested some money, and more of that, their energy to develop ipernity for many years.

The decision to transfer ipernity to a third party or to shut down the service will be a decision taken collectively by all shareholders and be subject to a vote in the next weeks.

At this time, none of the historic shareholders and founders expressed a desire to continue the adventure. After spending almost 10 years in this beautiful adventure, we must admit our failure. When such an admission is made, it’s time for us to “pass the relay” or turn the page.

Thus, and as you understand it, it remains quite possible that a new team will take the lead of ipernity. We will support any takeover proposal in front of shareholders.

We have received several requests for information on this subject, and we are currently dedicating all our energy to this topic.

It is still impossible to say that ipernity will find a “new home”, but we are on the right track.

We will of course keep you informed as soon as possible.

In the meantime, do not push the button to close your account, but please bear in mind that no later than January a decision will be taken. We will offer you solutions to recover your content and the terms and conditions for a refund of Club subscriptions.

Thank you again for your support, and thank you to all those who wish to give to ipernity a second breath.

Christophe & the rest of the Team.