Articles by ~ MCJ

  • My internet down for maybe 5 more days or so

    - 8 years ago
    My internet went down. the problem is with the line in the street. My ADSL won't connect. The technician with my internet provider, Iinet, came out and tested all my lines were fine and confirmed that the problem is with the line in the street, as they had done on the phone some ping test. There is a problem 800metres from my house. And that's another company, Telstra, who need to fix that. And they aren't very good. So it's a matter of how long they take to fix it. I'm at my sister's using he…

  • How To remove Photos from a group that's Blocked You.

    - 11 Feb 2014
    Today I discovered from KJ4VOV contact that he had received an email similar to me about being suddenly blocked from a group. He informed that there was no way to remove your photos from a group that has blocked you. Here is his article. Surprised, I went and discovered that yes, I couldn't get access to the group to remove my photos from it, as I had been blocked. So this is what I did. Step 1, find one of my photos in that group. Step 2, click o…

  • Just to let you know...

    - 19 Sep 2013 - 5 comments
    The lady whose house is on my back boundary poisoned my cats in MY yard because when they are in my yard the neighbour's dogs beside me bark. This lady who poisoned the cats had a go at me when I moved in for asking the neighbours to control their dogs. (of course this incited the dog owners to make sure the dogs barked every time I used my yard). She is best friends with them. She had been hosing my cats as well so they would run inside rather then sit in my yard. She lured them to her side (…

  • Ringworm

    - 20 Jun 2013 - 1 comment
    I just want to let everyone know that the reason I'm hardly on now is because I've discovered the itch with the cats is ringworm...even though a culture came back negative...but I'm questioning whether the vet actually sent it off or if the vet fabricated the report. It's the vet surgery that botched Charlie's tooth extraction. I've been trying to negotiate with him through a third party and he is fabricating lies...anyway back to the ringworm issue. I've found an honest vet, and he's prescibed…

  • Thanks for the comments!

    - 08 Jun 2013 - 1 comment
    Hi everyone who has commented on my photos, I had no idea as usually with flickr the comments come to my I've discovered them now...thanks for the visit and the kind words!!

  • Dianne from flickr

    - 23 May 2013 - 2 comments
    It's Matilda&Charlie&Josie from flickr. I've set up an account so I can view my friends posts here. I'm staying with flickr at the moment, but I want to come over here and see my contacts stuff as I will miss them at flickr. The photos I posted were just random for my little identity square, I just kept changing my mind. I'm working it out as I go. This seems good, just need to get the hang of it. I'm still struggling to home this last rescue kitten, and finding a good vet not too far awa…