I just want to let everyone know that the reason I'm hardly on now is because I've discovered the itch with the cats is ringworm...even though a culture came back negative...but I'm questioning whether the vet actually sent it off or if the vet fabricated the report. It's the vet surgery that botched Charlie's tooth extraction. I've been trying to negotiate with him through a third party and he is fabricating lies...anyway back to the ringworm issue. I've found an honest vet, and he's prescibed Griseofulvin. I'm giving it to all except Mercedes...I worry about her and medication, I think she can beat it herself....I have mould in my house in my cupboards and I've moved a linen cupboard to the loungeroom as that's a dry room, hammered the back off it as it was smelly of mould, and put a brace and a single fitted bedsheet as the back of the cupboard...the air flows great and all the things are bone dry in there. My built-in in my room I am going through all the clothes and donating them or washing and storing them in space bags and working on making air flow through the cupboard...I might put vents in the doors or take the doors off and put lacy curtains (yuck but if it stops the mould...). I have discovered the portable cold air con my niece gave me has a dehumdifying function in it, so I can run that to take moisture out of the air (I'd never heard of them before). Anyway...my back hurts a lot, my feet hurt a lot but I'm determined to get on top of the dampness or else the cats will continue to reinfect. So I'll get online when I can...hopefully in a month (please God) my workload will be good so I can stop and have some me time again...
Mercedes is spraying in the house...Matilda has been....the stress of me still having this last kitten has upset the whole household terribly...now I know what's itching the kitten I am treating her and because she is tiny, I suspect I will be able to find her a home, she'll be about 8 months by then. I long to home her and get my household back to how it used to be.....and hopefully poor Mercedes can settle down again...but the spraying creates a lot of work for me so things are quite overwhelming...my back and my feet hurt a lot and I look forward to the end of this issue. I'm lucky I am crushing the tablets into the food and they can't taste it thankfully so that's made things a lot easier for me. I hope to get online every now and then...thanks for all your support :)))