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Publication date  /  2015  /  July  /  23   -   2 articles

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  • The Fool

    - 23 Jul 2015
    Lee Hazlewood wrote "The Fool" (Naomi Ford) using his wife's name because at the time you apparently couldn't legally have the same person listed as composer, producer and manager. Lee Hazlewood was "instrumental" in Duane Eddy's career and that of Nancy

  • My Maria

    - 23 Jul 2015
    B.W. (Louis Charles) Stevenson had "Shambala" (Moore) and "My Maria" (Stevenson - Moore) both released on the album "My Maria" and the "My Maria" single hit the top ten pop chart in 1973 while topping the Easy Listening chart. It's been said the "BW"