About Diane Putnam club

From: Crescent City, California

My home is Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA, but I'm a Californian, at heart. I am likely to take a photo of just about anything, so I can't say I have a favorite subject. Before I began taking photos in a serious way, in 2008, I painted for many years as time or space allowed. Now, there is no space, but plenty of time, hence the photography. It's developed into something of an obsessive activity and I get as much pleasure in the editing as the snapping.

My very mediocre camera matches my skill level: Fujifilm S2950 ; )
I also use my Nikon pocket camera or my LG phone once in awhile.

Update 2023: Two years ago I developed serious eye problems. My eyesight has deteriorated a great deal, but has stabilized. I can't drive around anymore, just short distances for necessary tasks. (I miss getting out in the country terribly!) I still try to take pictures once in awhile. I hope you can forgive my sometimes poor focus, odd compositions and awkward edits!

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Occupation: Retired mental health therapist