Le pompier pyromane

Entering Tirau From The North.

Romy sur le parvis de la gare Lille-Flandres.

Capilla Palatina (Palermo)

hFF - Algún lugar de Islandia

Canal de l'esplanade ..Lille.

Programme de reboisement

Castle Stalker delight

calèches Bruges.

Cupola of the Cathedral

Entrance to the Cathedral

Flying Over.


An der Strand-Promenade in Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Difficile de passer inaperçu

BRUGES 229.... HBM

Red Barbie (Explored)

Lisboa, Portugal HBM

Un grand-père heureux

Zantedeschia aethiopica, Arum lily, Penedos

Ilha do Pessegueiro

Penedos, Vineyard in winter

Small Yellow Flower