Group: The 50 Images-Project

Daily upload limit, image numbering and topic

Sami Serola (inactive)
16 Nov 2018 - 11 comments - 423 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

It is nice that people want to contribute on this challenge group. So, all contributions are of course welcome =)

However, I would like to ask you pay attention on few things:

1) We are currently limiting the daily uploads down to one because at some point people seemed to dump almost all 50 pictures at once. Moreover, we wish to keep the contributions diverse (not many images after another on the same topic).

2) It would be also most welcome to put the progression number (?/50) on the title or on the caption to show how the project proceeds. Please also consider mentioning your project topic/subject on the title/caption. It makes easier for others to follow your project. For example like this: "Coffee 16/50"

3) It is not very ideal to dump here 50 old photos. There is no much challenge on that. If you really do want to challenge yourself, please pick a new topic and start shooting new images. Some old photos are okay, if you have for example started such project first on your own albums.

4) You may wish to let admin(s) know what the exact title of your topic is, and if there is a personal album for it in your own collections.

5) 50 is 50, and not a single image more than that are allowed per project. If one has more to post, then start a new project with slightly different name. Collages, diptychs triptychs etc. are allowed, but counted as a single image. Within this group we also allow posting as many pictures on notes and on caption as you wish. You can also contribute other groups with the images shared here.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Sami Serola (inactive) 4 years ago.

Latest comments - All (11)
Ghislaine club has replied
J'ai un sujet très particulier ; il m'est difficile de sortir tous les jours pour une image que je ne trouverai peut-être pas .
Lorsque j'ai lancé mon sujet en décembre 2018 , j'ai fait des sorties régulières avec plusieurs images récoltées sur la journée , sélectionnées ensuite (J'ai donc plus des 50 images demandées, que je continue à selectionner , prises entre décembre 2018 et maintenant) .
Je poste régulièrement et plus rapidement que je ne le souhaite , à cause de la grosse publication des archives de Goandgo ...
Ceci dit , de nombreux projets initiaux sont à l'abandon et finalement nous sommes peu nombreux sur de nouveaux sujets .

Je pense que lorsque nous abordons un nouveau sujet , celui-ci doit présenter des images du jour du début du projet , et ensuite postérieures , même si elles sont réservées dans des archives pour la publication .
À ce jour le groupe est difficilement viable , déséquilibré : trop de rapidité pour les uns , trop de lenteur pour les autres et peu de participants actifs .

Mon projet est présent sur un album dédié et un autre plus généraliste sur ma galerie .
Les images sont "pour le groupe 50" et parfois versées ailleurs : je ne fais pas de course à la diffusion ...
5 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied
The main issue is that there are not many active groupies. But yes, let's try 3 daily contributions, as a compromise.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has added

Please avoid personal attacks!

The idea of new rules was to save the group, not to kill it.

As a group administrator I try to do my best to find a balance that would allow sharing both: the new projects, and sharing also old ones.

Therefore I limit the daily contribution even more, down to one picture per day only. That hopefully help us keep the contributions versatile and not dominated by few members only.

Please try to see it this way. It is more interesting to see pictures from different projects than to see many images on the same project at once.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Valfal has replied
Hi Sami, it has been awhile since I checked out the group, and I find that you are administering it; thank you so much for taking over and working to inject new life in it! I think your ideas are wonderful, and my next project will be of a topic rather than a single item (bottle). I found working with the same item very challenging to come up with 50 unique ideas. However, I still plan to finish my bottle project! Now, my question is, can I begin a new project as I am working on another project?
5 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied
Yes, you can =)

At least earlier two ongoing projects per member was allowed. This has not been discussed lately, but at least I allow =D
5 years ago.

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