Group: A Single Flower

Forgotten name

TiG - Tenacity

Invasive Goat's-beard

Maximilan's sunflower

A Rose is a Rose .....

Red Clover

Two-toned beauty

Wild Bergamot

Invasive Yellow Clematis

Common Peony, 'Circus Circus'

Water Lily

Hibiscus beauty

Richardson's Geranium / Geranium richardsonii

Purple Avens / Water Avens / Geum rivale

Yellow Penstemon with wildflower bokeh

Always a treat to see

Western Wood Lily

Blue Himalayan Poppy

Velours rouge

Gaillardia with beetle

Yellow Lady's-slipper / Cypripedium parviflorum

Doué la Fontaine (pays de Loire)

Trillium with a visitor, Pt Pelee, Ontario

Caught my eye
