Group: Rarities - Raritäten

Pathé Concert (France, 1913).

Gramophone Phonolicht (Germany, 1920).

A delightful little street in Sao Bras de Alportel…

Sail ship achieved with glued matches.

Sun made out of cork stoppers.

Door with look through to the railway.

Ceiling of the Main Hall.

Mayor's office.

Mertola Portugal

Mertola Portugal

Mertola Portugal

Window stone apron (1724).

Santa Luzia Portugal

The ghost of a pigeon that crashed into my window

Old sewing machine and spinning wheel.

Inside private ethnological museum.

Displayed items in private ethnological museum.

Radisson Blu hotel Berlin

Street art Berlin

Street art Berlin

Street art Berlin

Willy Brandt Haus Berlin

Willy Brandt Haus Berlin

Old cannons.

Rocha dos Bordões (570,000 years old).

India Hall.