Group: River crossings and embankments

Prag Musikant

Prag Marionettenspieler

PICT0011 Kappeln Weg nach Arnis

Lisboa, Dock of Rocha do Conde d'Óbidos (5)

there's always a gap somewhere

bridge to unsharp future......

North of Portugal, Region of Guimarães, a river in…

Lisboa, Dock of Rocha do Conde d'Óbidos (4)

Across the Paro river


Lisboa, Dock of Rocha do Conde d'Óbidos, gyratory…

Along the Zang Po river


The track goes along the Tsang Po valley


The first runlet of the Yangtze River


Headstream of the Changjiang River (Yangtze River)

Nymphenburger Schlosspark

Nymphenburger Schlosspark

Nymphenburger Schlosspark

Nymphenburger Schlosspark

Nymphenburger Schlosspark

Nymphenburg - München

Eselweihergebiet (4)

Shell Mex House

The Paro bridge

The rope bridge across the Mo Chhu (river)

Russian constracted bridge over the Se Don River


Rama 8th bridge over Mae Nam Chao Phraya


Canals in Lijiang's old town