Group: Places of worship around the world

Station Atwater


Station Atwater

St. Francis

Lavertezzo - Church

Italy - Brixen Cathedral

Interno della piccola chiesa di Rochemolles -

Friedländer Tor (2)

Friedländer Tor (1)

Le Mont Saint Michel

La cinquecentesca chiesa di Bousson -

Mother Church of the Holy Cross.

Church of the Holy Christ.

Church of Saint Michael the Archangel.

Church of Saint Rock.

Church of Saint Francis Xavier.

Church of Our Lady of the Miracles.

Úbeda, ciudad renacentista Patrimonio de la Humani…

Império (1875).


Stadtkirche in Glückstadt (2)

Stadtkirche in Glückstadt (1)

...agréable week-end à vous tous... chapelle St Michel...

Malpas (25) 26 août 2017.

HFF ... H.A.N.W.E.

Parish Centre, with Parish Church on the backgroun…