Group: Dogs - Man's Best ♥ Friend !

Finally ...

Freundliche Begrüßung von "Colleen" auf Helgoland

Branco by the pond

Treats time

Rosa mu ni malo ne smeta (The dew doesn't bother h…

To see, I saw, seen…

walk the dog

With Estrelinha on a bench

Her and me, Love

Her and me, Love that does not fade away.

Contestant 229; being judged

notti in città

Loulou de mer

gct[1] - twister

Les chiens de la marine

... Émotion de redécouvrir une photo oubliée ...

STR - Ben looking out

... le pied ...

.... bonjour ...

Monte Gordo - Canito na praia

Regard vers l'avenir

Tendresse du regard