Group: ~ Critters In Flight ~ j'arrive

je pars....

sphinx colibri / hummingbird clearwing

sphinx du chèverfeuille / snowberry clearwing

A hover-Bee :-)

Bee about to land on a Dog Rose

GBAS5134 Mésange à longue queue

Gulls in Flight

Low Flying Gull

Heron in flight


jeune bihoreau gris / young black-crowned night he…

colibri à gorge rubis / ruby-throated hummingbird

grand porte-queue / giant swallowtail

HFF sur le fleuve

L'ombre du héron

Herring Gull in Flight

Puffin in Flight

Little Egret

anax junius


Practicing flight shots: Spoonbills

Floating Clouds.

crécerelle d"Amérique / american kestrel

buse à épaulettes / red-shouldered hawk

Sunset with Geese