Group: China Esperantist

Selling ice cold smoking soft drinks

Charming night view on the Huangpu River

Fu Xing train Shanghai to Beijing

Shanghai tower

Surreal architecture in a shopping mall

Shining skyscraper facades

At night in Yuyuan garden

At the Tian'anmen square in Beijing


Gate to the Forbidden City of Beijing

Chinese contortionist performing

Chinese Performance and ring acrobatic

Kurso de Esperanto por telefonoj, ambaŭ volumoj

Chinese temple in Singaraja


Little girl posing for a photo shot at Tiger Jumpi…

Esperanto Aktuell 5.2014

Juna Amiko 1/2014

Sani man in the Stone Forest (Shilin)

Juna Amiko 3/2013

Juna Amiko 2/2013



Residential district with shopping center

Xining skyline behind the Public Park


Xining People's Park

Xining Station Plaza

Arriving Xining railway station on the dot