Group: Benches of the World

Coast view.

Petite chapelle médiévale dans les hauts de St Rom…

Pas la peine de te cacher

Foxglove and bench

Hythe station RH&DR 1994

Trains passing at Goathland Station - North Yorks…

War Memorial bench Seaford 16 5 2020

Amílcar Cabral Square (former New Square).

Cow and Calf

Earth globe.

Former Gil Eanes High-School (1937).

At the top of the world

les enfants montrent l'exemple

Le calvaire de la Corona......

Banca Flia Oses Escobar

Waiting for human company (before the pandemic).

Combo package bench / Un banc combo

Casquette géante / Boné gigante / Giant cap


Regard suspect...../ Suspicious glance....


Bien avant la distanciation sociale....


The empty bench.

Quiet times

Dog in Nanortalik, Greenland (HBM)

Hrad Valdstejn

Petite balade à Cusco

Social Isolation