Group: Birds of prey

Those eyes….

Coin zen sur le lac Varèse... Angolo zen sul lago…

Coming in to Land

Colony of Redshanks on a Sunken Boat

Barbagianni - barn owl

Viaggiatori della sera ...

Bird of Prey at Harewood House

Osprey - Target locked

Hibou en maraude !

Osprey dive

Osprey fishing - Balbuzard pecheur en peche

Touch and GO ....!!!!

Osprey - missed fishing !

Hibou moyen duc - long eared Owl

Hiboux des marais ...Parade nuptiale ???


Hibou des marais - short eared Owl

Hibou des marais / short - eared Owl

Hibou des marais / short-eared Owl

Hibou des marais - short eared Owl

Effraie des clochers - Western Barn Owl

Effraie des clochers - Western Barn Owl

Hibou des marais - short eared Owl

Hibou en chasse - short eared Owl hunting

Hibou des marais - short eared Owl

Hibou des marais - short eared Owl