Group: Orange positive

Schwebfliegen auf Kalifornischem Mohn. ©UdoSm


Enfin un peu de fraicheur.

Lysimaschia arvensis...

C'était Paëlla************

Total sadness is as impossible as total joy, Tolst…


Gaillardia Belle journée mes ami(e)s❤️

Le retour du soleil

Taglilie... ©UdoSm

huppe fasciée

CAM in motion: Art takes to the streets

Chronologie d'un coucher de soleil 4 pip

They're arriving for an aperitif

HWW - Chania - Kreta

Traditional Life and Tourism

Bon weekend rafraîchissant.

Party on! (Explored)

Happy Fence Friday!

Kapuzinerkresse (Tropaeolum)... ©UdoSm

Apparition !

Detail St. Annen

Come on let's have fun!

Oranges (H.A.N.W.E.)

Orange Wheels (HFF, H.A.N.W.E.)

dps[23] - Scammell corner