Group: Lets Have Fun With Photography!

Suppertime catch


Friendly little Nuthatch

From my July archives

End of the road

Weathering the cold

Blues and whites of winter

The Famous Five with snow

Sacred Lotus seedpod

View from the Saskatoon Farm

Glowing leaves of Mountain Ash

The power of Mother Nature

If only snowy days could be warm

The beauty of an orange Lily

oaw[HH] - I'm off to bed

If I just close my eyes, maybe she'll go away

Thank heavens for Chickadees

Not a thing was untouched

Armillaria mellea

Bird's-foot Trefoil

Impressive Crowfoot Mt

Waiting for the first snowy day

Checking us out

A strange looking pair

Peace and tranquility

Down in the creek - camouflaged

In all its purple glory