Group: Escaliers - Stairs

Vila Fountain.

Il porto turistico di Salvador de Bahìa

Barche da pesca di altri tempi nel porto Salvador…

Elementar School.

Saint Anthony Church.

Basílica do Senhor do Bonfim

Pillory and Town Hall.

Church of Mercy (17th century).

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

Villa Conchiglia

Owl with Jewel, by Sylvain Bongard.

...not even on the chapel' steps does the mobile s…

Watching the girls playing ball.

HFF vom Kontorhaus Miramar (PiP)

Portuguese village (2).

Western village (3).

Le case e i vicoli di Camogli - i colori esclusivi…

Artificial cascade.

HFF et agréable fin de semaine.

Il 'caruggiu' che porta al porticciolo di Camogli

Tourism Office, in typical local architecture.

Royal Building of Mafra (18th century).

Camogli : Un paese a sviluppo verticale con tante…