Group: Animaux Sauvages

Going it alone

Surprise !

Aigrettes OU Hérons garde-bœuf.

Lézard vert (Lacerta bilineata)

DSC 0156(2)R

"I'm sorry to bother you, but do you have any pean…

Pouillot véloce - Phylloscopus collybita - Common…

Gigantic Longhorn Beetle at LaPine State Park (+10…

Tiny Queen Carpenter Ant at LaPine State Park (+6…

Hooded merganser & turtle

Kayaker Appreciating Flock of Common Mergansers on…

j' aime son allure à celui là ......

In more than black and white (Explored)

Le héron garde-bœuf

Lama au Parc animalier de Sidi bel Abbes.

Cigogne blanche.

A large alligator (about 3-4 m long)

A small alligator

Une pensée à notre Ami Claude qui aimait tant les…

Bécassine des marais - Common Snipe


et la distanciation ?

Happy Valentine's Day from Animals at Tugman State…

Painted turtles


Unexpected visitor(s)