Group: Strong Colors

HFF everyone!

Golden Moment

Mallard / April 2019

Bridgescape / Brückenlandschaft - HFF (090°)

Castro Laboreiro PIP - HFF

Feliz fin de semana

Ein Zaun, von der Natur geschaffen. HFF (PiP)

Coleogyne pendurata (x 5)


... finir en beauté ...

je plonge (( 5650MM

With their and my Feet in the Water...

Bonne fête à tous les Valentins & Valentines ♥

Spider Lily

Batalha VI

Saguaro in Sand Storm (modified)

Winterlinge im Winter (31.01.2020)

Chinese Fringe Flower

Bonhomme hiver

Our Flag / Rumex Acetosa

Le Jardin des MARTELS, (FRANCE).