Group: 30+ Favourites


Fire - 1970

Motive in allen Richtungen

Alien invader in the starry night

Gambia, 1986, digitalized

disturbing the saddle

Waiting for Repair - HFF!

Trans World Airlines - 1986

HFF im Alishan-Gebirge!

choose your pillow

Roman Catholic Church "Assumption of the Virgin Ma…


Mosteiró de Cima, senhora professora

Cistus ladanifer, the first one dancing in the Nor…

Vernal Falls - 1986


Lasiocampa quercus ?

little trumpet boy

SINAI : fuori dal monastero di Santa Caterina cres…

SINAI : dettaglio del monastero di Santa Caterina.

Tramonto toscano


Southwest Peninsula Coastpath

we're out of the woods

New Orleans CBD - 1986

old and new