Group: ~00~WC-Toilette-Gabinetto-Abort-Latrine-Klo-Lokus-Urinal

kunst örtchen

Toilets, Rome

OO - Klo-Stuhl

OO - Cabinetto -

Questionable Pissoirs

Berlin Kreuzberg Chamißoplatz (#2229)

The sink of horror

Choose one

bringen Scherben Glück??

Rock crusher with job john

Take a break

"Argh! The smell!"

There is much more to say

00 für die Nacht


Front porch still life. Have a seat!

Ancient urinal.

Entrance to the men's room.

Spotted in urinal of former jail.

Trockentoilette (um es vornehm auszudrücken)

00 auf Rädern