Group: De lumière et d'ombres - light and shadows

Abnehmender Mond

Walking the towpath

Cows grazing on the right bank of River Paiva.

colours of summer

Vau Bridge.

Head in the clouds

HFF et bonne fin de semaine.

19/50 - red to grey


HFF Everyone!


En automne , l'arbre n'est plus que l'ombre de lui…

Mirror water.

Un paseo por el cañón

Back streets of Goslar on a wet evening.

Traditional Japanese style house 05

Cádiz, Plaza Fray Félix

Hanau, Schifflache bei Großauheim

The Kings are coming

Internet casa et homme soufflé

Still green

The remains of the flower

River Paiva.

River Paiva.

Looking up, after the descent.

#33 Dambulla - CWP - Contest Without Prize