Group: Around the World in 80 Fotos

Schloss Pillnitz

Our home at the lake.

North of Lac La Hache.

Abu Dhabi (064)

Cahors - Cathédrale Saint-Étienne

rosso veneziano

vista sulla Giudecca (Venezia)

Weihnachtsmarkt und Neues Rathaus

Street Art Vardø; Ethos

Abu Dhabi (066)

Porto de pesca - Salvador de Bahìa

Ambassador - the rusty whale

il Duomo di Siena

Segobriga (ES)

Mauritius (159)

St. Cosmas & Damian

Snow In The Stronghold

Artigianato e vita primordiali a Nosy Komba (346)

Nordic Night

rust at the beach

(345/365) Feldschlößchen-Brauerei Dresden (Stammha…

Three children.

Firenze - Ponte Vecchio - Painting Jim LaSala - To…

Salt Lake of Ladakh

Igreja e Convento de São Francisco