Group: " Tempi passati " ... The nosy nostalgic group

HFF - flattern im Wind - Zaun dreimal gesichert

stranger in a strange land

Confort d'antant & sécurité contemporaine .

OO - WC ... selbst die Liesel muß mal piesel(n)

Periodic Table Table

fish or cut bait

I Don't Know Where I'm Going but I'm on My Way!

Lisboa - Il vecchio tram restaurato e circolante -

Coming and Going

Drink french !!

... im Waschraum ...

unwiderstehliche Männer

...auf Mark und Pfennig abrechnen...

little boy

Typical windmill of Santa Maria.



Wasser fassen in Schierke 1992

double occupancy

"... pharaminabsolumagnificshot ! (au moins 5 litr…

harmonic reduction


Horse transport on the Island of Sark