Keyword: day#21

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  • Day #99: retrospection

    As this is my 100th day on ipernity, I just want to write something, anything. First thing that comes into my mind to write about is a retrospection of what I've written so far. Maybe mixed with a few review elements and some random new thoughts. I apologize in advance for this unstructured post, but sometimes I have to just babble. Random thought 1: I've just discovered "My Network"-->"Latest docs & post"-->"Everyone"-->"Photos". It's a stream of your contacts' docs in size 240. (flickr provi…

  • Day #21: another bug

    The "Edit this tag" feature is broken. If I rename a tag, I get the error message "Why the hell did you click on this link? ;-)". But the tag actually IS renamed. It is, however, deleted from the tag list . That's why rumpelfoto says "2 docs" in the tag list, but when you click on it, you get 30. And that's also why 19 New pics shot after day#0 are missing from now on (I've just renamed that tag). That's a very serious bug! Besides that I entered my first two groups yesterday: Brem…