Keyword: note

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  • Adding pop-up images to notes on your ipernity photos

    The other day while browsing photos on ipernity I noticed a photo that had notes which when I hovered over them with the mouse an image would pop up, like on this one . So I decided to try a few things and figured out how to do it. Here is the recipe. On the image you would like to pop-up and add a link to go to more options and select View all sizes . Now choose the size of the image you want to pop up, 800 is a good starting place. Below the image you will see a link Post this p…

  • How-To add photos inside of photos using notes (PictureInPicture), update in 2023

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Maybe you have already registered that some guys have cool photos which are showing other photos inside by using a note? If not: here are some possible examples (the photo which was used for this article has ten "Picture in Picture" notes and was about Hamburgs Criminal Justice Building ). You could find more of such examples in the group PiP ★ Picture in Picture . Note that you need a club membership to do this, as adding notes to photos is a club-only function.