Keyword: fair

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  • The Wood County Fair!

    I'm going to blow my horn here as all four of the pieces I entered won blues. Of course, I don't know how many were the only entries in their category... I won't know that until the newspaper prints final fair results in several weeks. But meanwhile, I am quite happy with the outcome as the prize money will mean I broke even with my entry fee! Framed Sampler in the cross stitch on 32-ct fabric: Framed picture in needlepoint: Speciality stitching, counted thread: and Fair…

  • The County Fair Results Are In...

    Knowing the issues I had with many of my entries (I knew that some didn't really fit in with the category I entered them in and others had some major technique issues which could result in them placing out of the running) , I held off until today to actually go see for myself how I did with my nine fair entries (although my husband did check them last night and called me with the results so I wasn't surprised). Anyway, here are the results, and the photographic evidence! First place in the…

  • Das Kunstereignis des Jahres

    Nicht auf dem Kölner Kunstmarkt. Das erste Mal. Seit 1985.