Wierd Folkersma's photos

Auto (pip)

05 Feb 2022 24 18 180
TSC: The letter A


03 Feb 2022 12 5 145
NTSC: The letter A


05 Feb 2022 20 10 130
SSC: "Verbindungen"

bike locked

28 Jan 2022 39 36 197
HFF and a safe and peaceful weekend!


28 Jan 2022 37 18 197
HWW and a safe rest of the week! made by Jussi TwoSeven photorealistic street art, developed from photos of wild animals, created by means of many templates. please enlarge on black for a better view.

take a seat

30 Jan 2022 26 17 120
HBM and a safe week ahead!

monday bench

30 Jan 2022 27 22 127
HBM and a safe and peaceful week!


27 Jan 2022 16 13 104
TSC: chocolate


26 Jan 2022 24 16 190
SSC: "Etwas das blau ist"


14 Jan 2022 28 19 271
HWW and a safe and peaceful rest of the week! please enlarge on black. jukkametsaaho.com/girls-are-awesome www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2226743464047871

bench in red

05 Jan 2022 37 28 210
HBM folks and a peaceful and safe week ahead!

yellowfoot dried

23 Jan 2022 37 19 323
TSC: mushrooms/fungi MacroDreams: Herbs and Spices Craterellus tubaeformis Not really mushroom picking time :)) I pick the mushrooms in autumn, dry most of them and use them especially in sauces or mushroom pies.

lamp light

20 Jan 2022 22 13 191
SSC: "Künstlich beleuchtet im Außenbereich"
17 Jan 2022 45 38 178
HFF and a safe and sunny weekend!


10 Jan 2022 17 9 116
HWW and a safe and sunny rest of the week Saksalainen makkarabaari = German sausage bar

in grey and blue

14 Jan 2022 25 16 182
TSC: repetitions

2176 items in total