the track at Side House

Langdale Summer 2008

Folder: Lake District and Cumbria

30 Jun 2008

71 visits

the track at Side House

30 Jun 2008

71 visits

Dungeon Ghyll

From Side House

30 Jun 2008

73 visits

plane over Elterwater Common

NO Crash !

30 Jun 2008

57 visits

Elterwater Village - Wetherlam beyond

30 Jun 2008

85 visits

the Pikes from across the valley bottom

30 Jun 2008

43 visits

At Elterwater Village

30 Jun 2008

53 visits

Going up - Bowfell appears as silhouette

30 Jun 2008

38 visits

Helm Crag (centre)

30 Jun 2008

68 visits

On top of Dow Bank - walked up from Elterwater Village

85 items in total