Colin Ashcroft's photos

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05 Jul 2011

110 visits

Brotherswater and Angle Tarn Pikes

A special day at Brotherswater

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04 Jul 2011

111 visits

What a sky !

Difficult to see this but this snap was actually taken at about a 45 degree angle so almost up into the sky - This was on the Hayeswater path out of Hartsop in Cumbria

08 Jul 2011

95 visits

Kirkstone Pass Thunderstorm

06 Jul 2011

83 visits

Ullswater from Keldas

06 Jul 2011

86 visits

Lanty's Tarn

06 Jul 2011

87 visits

St Sunday Crag

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07 Jul 2011

92 visits

Keldas and Birkhouse Moor

Taken from above Side Farm on Place Fell

07 Jul 2011

97 visits

Harstop Rainbow Landscape

07 Jul 2011

121 visits


This adult had 3 youngsters sitting on the top of the open barn door behind. Taken at Side Farm, Patterdale Cumbria
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