Home and abroad

A collection of various points in time / the short history of nearly everything
07 Oct 2022 12
hellraiser owls
07 Oct 2022 14
E's interior decoration
13 Oct 2022 14
Morning dog walkers from my window

Perfect clouds

06 Nov 2022 14
E got us a microwave! First of all it's kind of insane that we didn't have a microwave for a few years before this. Secondly this sticker I got with my poster order fitted perfectly.

Brief snow day

Midwinter, home

23 Mar 2023 14
Took myself out to dine and see music


Alasdair Roberts

23 Mar 2023 14
it's taken me years to see him live, and was very happy about this

Mänttä 22

Mänttä 22

53 items in total