

Arrived on 1 April 2018 (no joke)


02 Apr 2018 56
I flew from Sweden to Brussels Charleroi, and was picked up by Marie, who had been a WWOOFer on my farm some 5 years ago. This is the street where she lives with her partner Denis and their two kids


02 Apr 2018 47
I flew from Sweden to Brussels Charleroi, and was picked up by Marie, who had been a WWOOFer on my farm some 5 years ago. This is the street where she lives with her partner Denis and their two kids

on our way to the Ardennes

02 Apr 2018 47
Jean, Marie and Aude. Denis was driving us to his parents' place in the Ardennes. Aude was konked out due to an epic battle of wills to force her to wear pants

international road signs

02 Apr 2018 37
Despite all my years of travelling, as an Australian, I still get a kick out of seeing road signs to another country

driving into the Ardennes

driving into the Ardennes

02 Apr 2018 56
oak and beech tree forests

driving into the Ardennes

02 Apr 2018 60
oak and beech tree forests

the village of Roy

02 Apr 2018 55
cladding on a new house in Roy

the village of Roy

02 Apr 2018 64
Denis' parents have retired to this cute village in the Ardennes

Aude the knight

02 Apr 2018 61
Aude and Jean were learning about knights and princesses at day care. Aude decided she wanted to be a knight, and had this costume which also has a shield and sword. Jean decided he wanted to be a princess and got that, complete with pointy princess hat. Otherwise he likes tractors and steam engines, but I think it's great that no one found his costume choice a problem


02 Apr 2018 61
I love bumblebees - their huge buzzy fluffiness - and have been delighted to see so many around. Hard to photograph. These were in Denis' parents' garden in Roy.


02 Apr 2018 57
I love bumblebees - their huge buzzy fluffiness - and have been delighted to see so many around. Hard to photograph. These were in Denis' parents' garden in Roy.

lunch at the Deschodts

02 Apr 2018 64
Denis' mother Odette is a great cook and brought out a great spread for lunch. This was just part of it. There was also a slow cooked lamb in garlic, and blanquette de veau

Luc's motorcycle

02 Apr 2018 60
Denis dad has this 1050 Triumph

walk through Roy

02 Apr 2018 65
In the afternoon Marie, Denis, Odette and I went for a walk around the village

dairy cows at work

02 Apr 2018 44
Roy, Luxemburg province

dairy cows at work

02 Apr 2018 23
Roy, Luxemburg province

walk through Roy

02 Apr 2018 40
This is a very Belgian thing to me. Never saw this in the Netherlands. You see Christ on the Cross in all sorts of unexpected places in villages and in the countryside. Roy, Luxemburg province

716 items in total