Steve Nordby's photos

2585128017 2fbb52b9d8 o

2578652039 0805b5a07d o

2578652057 27f98dd758 o

2578652047 86521154d4 o

2578652035 21b496e2b1 o

2578641039 9775ae0705 o

2578641021 37f7d3ebc8 o

2578641013 f952fae55d o

2578641045 af15a38805 o


14 Jun 2008 63
A pillar at the old library.

Killdeer checkin you out

2579444910 6609dc5eae o

13 Jun 2008 41
Hard to catch small birds in flight, but I got this killdeer.

Fearless turtle

13 Jun 2008 37
Pond turtle was about to cross a heavily traveled bikepath.

2574654209 7df1a46d82 o

2574654225 4ab77a43d2 o

2574654211 4d132020e9 o

2574654221 511e6105d4 o

2562153159 42f92d1578 o