Rhyolite (8664)

Death Valley

A camping trip with Great Outdoors in January 2008.

Rhyolite Train Depot (6654)

Rhyolite Train Depot (8661)

Leadfield (6655)

Leadfield (6656)

Leadfield (6657)

Leadfield (6658)

Leadfield (6659)

Leadfield (6660)

Leadfield (6661)

Leadfield (6662)

Leadfield (6666)

Leadfield (6667)

Leadfield (6668)

Leadfield (8687)

Leadfield (8689)

Leadfield (8690)

Leadfield Mine (6664)

Leadfield Tailings Playground (6665)

12 Jan 2008 426
A family visiting the mine seemed to think it was fine to let their little boy on the tailings.

546 items in total