Carl Greyson 1

Dad at work

Photos from my dad's career in broadcasting, primarily at WGN, Chicago.

20 Jun 2009

122 visits

Carl Greyson 22

With Joe Garagiola

20 Jun 2009

118 visits

Carl Greyson 25

About 1976

20 Jun 2009

118 visits

Carl Greyson 29

With Comedian George Kirby about 1964

18 Jun 2009

124 visits

Dad's last day at work - 1982

18 Jun 2009

129 visits

Dad's last day at work - 1982

24 Feb 2010

121 visits



07 Sep 2010

1 favorite

196 visits

Publicity Photo. Carl and Chatter the Chimp when dad hosted a daily, after-school kids show on WGN, Chicago, in the late 1950s.

10 May 2013

1 favorite

133 visits

Dad at work (12)

I think my mom hated this part of dad's work more than he did, feeling it was demeaning for him. She hid these photos for years after his death.

10 May 2013

1 favorite

137 visits

Dad at work.

The show was a big hit with kids my age and at school I got called Chatter a lot for a few months.
34 items in total