Polyrus' favorite photos

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Eingang zum Zoo in Frankfurt (3xPiP)

Heidelberg Castle

HFF Memorial

Einkaufspassage "My Zeil" in Frankfurt (6 x PiP)

Ottheinrichsbau (2xPiP)

Lüneburger HFF

A Fence for Friday

Well heeled

70013 + 48151 on 1Z27 York - Lancaster Help for He…

HFF A Cottage by the Sea.

Hold Back The River - HFF!

Nederland - Veere, De Koe

HFF - St. Petri Kyrka and dual gauge rail (PiP)

Stairs to Heaven - Himmelsleiter (300°) 2 x PiP

Happy Fence Friday 3

Framed Fence

2205 items in total