It's an old radio

E - Teardown

Folder: Electronics
Looking at the innards of electronic devices.

Rotary-vane pump

Rotary-vane pump

VW part number

VW door-lock vacuum pump

High-tech charge regulator

02 Jun 2013 182
Oh man... A 3.3 Ohm resistor... You surely do get a whole lot of 'worth' for your money these days.


1N4007 Diode

02 Jun 2013 171
A massive voltage drop of 0.8xx volts at about 300 mA. Shocking!

Smoke detector - weak buzzer

Smoke detector / alarm

Piezo buzzer - oxidized

01 Jul 2013 169
No wonder the buzzer wasn't working properly any more. They should have soldered wires to it instead of using spring contacts. "Planned obsolescence" at work?

Smoke detector - PCB

01 Jul 2013 167
The MC145010P is the brains of the circuit.

Smoke detector - PCB

Optical smoke sensor

01 Jul 2013 172
The MC145010P is the brains of the circuit.

Optical smoke sensor

01 Jul 2013 178
The MC145010P is the brains of the circuit.

Optical smoke sensor

01 Jul 2013 273
With no small particles in the air, the IR beam goes straight into the wall of the housing. The wall is black and absorbs a great deal of the radiation. The little fins might be angled in such a way that the reflected radiation bounces around many times, which further attenuates it. Ideally nothing ever hits the sensor. The main purpose of this construction is to allow smoke-carrying air penetrate the walls, but keep ambient light out. When tiny smoke particles are present in the center of the sensor, they scatter some of the IR light towards the sensor. You hear a very load beep.

Piezo buzzer - cleaned

01 Jul 2013 206
I used a bit of abrasive dish-cleaner to remove most of the oxidization. The smoke detector didn't survive dismantling. I need a new one.



322 items in total