It's an old radio

E - Teardown

Folder: Electronics
Looking at the innards of electronic devices.


Varistor / MOV

Varistor / MOV

680k bleeder resistor

VFD board - creapage distance on HV lines?

VFD board - creapage distance on HV lines?

VFD display - getter & filaments

VFD display

VFD display - side view

VFD display - side view

VFD + button contacts

Oven control module - power supply

Fixed oven lamp

02 Jul 2015 100
Super-glued into submission.

Fixed oven lamp

02 Jul 2015 84
Super-glued into submission.

The End

05 Sep 2015 1 128
Removing the potting compound is near impossible.


322 items in total