Breakfast, Si?

Failing to make Monaco, 2004

...but getting to spend a wonderful time in the Netherlands instead - and not just Amsterdam, for a change.

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26 Jun 2004

58 visits


25 Jun 2004

64 visits


25 Jun 2004

39 visits

Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal

Strictly "The International Criminal Court of the former Yugoslavia", where we went to see Milosovich, in Den Haag. I still have the stamp – albeit on a piece of paper – in my passport. It was a clinical kind of place, but I still found it fairly moving to be at a place where all the things we'd seen and heard of in Kosova were finally being aired and, for a few people at least, drawn to a close.

24 Jun 2004

57 visits

Not talking?

23 Jun 2004

86 visits

Teleporter accident?

23 Jun 2004

58 visits

Global marketing

How very amusing.

23 Jun 2004

64 visits

Home — roof tent on Discovery

Landie's brilliant Maggiolina roof tent, being demonstrated by Simon. The ladder is the standard steel one, later replaced by the lighter and more rigid (but more fiddly) aluminium one. The tent itself is now deceased, having taken the brunt of the impact from my inverted Toyota Land Cruiser. (And possibly also saving my head!) Photos of that uploading shortly (hence the updating of this comment!)

30 Jun 2004

31 visits

Just bizarre

I wasn't too happy about this place.

29 Jun 2004

35 visits

Buck Rogers in the 25th motorhome

20 items in total