
Nerja, Spain, October 2009

Gentle decay


Kodak films I

Kodak films II

Down to town

Rising standards

Painted church

Hostal colourfal


Graffiti lane

14 Oct 2009 86
This looked like a great shortcut up to the Alhambra but was actually a dead-end. Not even really a residential street, as there seemed to be only back doors, and even then, only a couple of those. But it had so much really good graffiti that I didn't mind the uphill detour a bit.


La dolce vita

Back door

Waylayed in translation

Pay attention

14 Oct 2009 118
Nobody was noticing the stencilling on the inside of these archways until I stopped to take a photo of one, after which a queue to do so developed! ;)

There's a shot there somewhere

14 Oct 2009 82
(And I don't think I found it.)

Summer gardens view I

Summer gardens view II

97 items in total