Shooting information for this photo

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It's been a hard J's night
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Camera: HTC Desire
Resolution:240 x 240 dpi
Dimension:1093 x 1440 pixels
Original Date:2010:07:26 21:33:58
Digitized Date:2010:07:26 21:33:58+01:00
Created on:2010:07:26 21:33:58
Modified on:2010:08:18 19:33:30
Already AppliedTrue
Blue Hue0
Blue Saturation0
Camera ProfileEmbedded
Camera Profile DigestD6AF5AEA62557FCE88BC099788BBD3 CC
Chromatic Aberration B0
Chromatic Aberration R0
Color Noise Reduction0
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Convert To GrayscaleFalse
Crop Angle0
Crop Bottom0.788839
Crop Height1440
Crop Left0
Crop Right1
Crop Top0
Crop Unitpixels
Crop Width1093
Device Mfg DescKODAK
Device Model DescReference Output Medium Metric(ROMM)
Exif Version0220
Fill Light0
Flashpix Version0100
Green Hue0
Green Saturation0
Has CropTrue
Has SettingsTrue
Highlight Recovery0
Hue Adjustment Aqua0
Hue Adjustment Blue0
Hue Adjustment Green0
Hue Adjustment Magenta0
Hue Adjustment Orange0
Hue Adjustment Purple0
Hue Adjustment Red0
Hue Adjustment Yellow0
Image Size1117x1464
Incremental Temperature0
Incremental Tint0
Luminance Adjustment Aqua0
Luminance Adjustment Blue0
Luminance Adjustment Green0
Luminance Adjustment Magenta0
Luminance Adjustment Orange0
Luminance Adjustment Purple0
Luminance Adjustment Red0
Luminance Adjustment Yellow0
Luminance Smoothing0
Parametric Darks0
Parametric Highlight Split75
Parametric Highlights0
Parametric Lights0
Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
Parametric Shadows0
Post Crop Vignette Amount0
Red Hue0
Red Saturation0
Resolution Unitinches
Saturation Adjustment Aqua0
Saturation Adjustment Blue0
Saturation Adjustment Green0
Saturation Adjustment Magenta0
Saturation Adjustment Orange0
Saturation Adjustment Purple0
Saturation Adjustment Red0
Saturation Adjustment Yellow0
Shadow Tint0
Sharpen Detail25
Sharpen Edge Masking0
Sharpen Radius+1.0
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
Split Toning Shadow Hue0
Split Toning Shadow Saturation0
Thumbnail Offset680
Tone Curve0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve NameLinear
Vignette Amount0
XMP ToolkitImage::ExifTool 7.97
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered

GPS Information

GPS Altitude67 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2010:07:26
GPS Date/Time2010:07:26 21:33:58Z
GPS Latitude53 deg 24' 30.46" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude2 deg 59' 3.87" W
GPS Longitude RefWest
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Position53 deg 24' 30.46" N, 2 deg 59' 3.87" W
GPS Processing MethodHYBRID-FIX
GPS Time Stamp21:33:58
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0