Keith Burton's photos

Walking on thin ice!

Not so easy to get back up again............

04 Feb 2012 208
Sorry Dave couldn't resist :D


29 Jan 2012 129
A large crop, but the only shot I got using my 70-200mm before it was out of range!


30 Jan 2012 198
Actually there are 3 Alberts who live in a dray in my garden and I can't tell them apart. They spend ages sorting out the sunflower seeds from amongst the mixed seed we put out for the birds.

Not sure I'd like to go to sea in either of these!

The wreck

01 Feb 2012 3 4 193
This wreck can be seen from the M275 on the way out of Portsmouth.

Sunset at the wreck

Exmouth apartments

29 Jan 2012 1 121
Best viewed large on black

Number 3

7210 photos in total